Nutritional value of plantain banana flour harvested at Anivorano-Nord and its use to model infant food
The main objective of our study is to contribute to the fight against child malnutrition in Madagascar. Its specific objectives are to assess the nutritional value of plantain flour harvested in Anivorano-Nord and to use this flour to model an infant flour called “Mamparisika”. Materials and methods were used to characterize the plantain flour produced and that modeled. For 100 g of this "Mamparisika" flour, suitable proportions of three products were used: 57.96 g of plantain flour, 25.84 g of peanut paste and 16.20 g of Moringa oleifera leaf powder. It can provide a metabolizable energy of 379.61 kcal/100 g, of which 10% is of protein origin, 30% of lipid origin and 60% of carbohydrate origin. It therefore respects the required standards and meets the desirable nutritional needs for children from 6 to 24 months.
Key-words:Infant malnutrition, Plantain, Moringa oleifera, Peanut paste, Supplementary food, Infant flour, Anivorano Nord.
Les potentialités socio-économiques des Régions de SAVA et DIANA pour le développement de Madagascar.
The regions of SAVA and DIANA abound in natural fortunes whose exploitation allows both the strengthening of the development of these regions and the reduction of poverty in Madagascar. They are categorized into land and sea resources, among others: nature reserves, rich land for agriculture, the surrounding maritime space...which are favorable specifically for the development of the sectors - fishing - tourism - agriculture. Several decisive axes have been deployed according to the economic reports of researchers and specialists, as new reforms to rebuild an economy unlike ours which will focus primarily on agriculture and fishing. The reason is explained by the fact that 86% of the population of SAVA practice agriculture, fishing and hunting against 80% of the region of DIANA, only for agricultural activity. Our objective is to highlight the form of citizen contribution, as a decisive contribution to the socio-economic development of Madagascar. As methods adopted, the individual participatory approach on the communal basis, the combination of traditional practice and experience with those of the practice of modern techniques, as well as the use of NTIC to accelerate the processing of information with a view to publication of results and decision-making, documentation, supervision in execution constitute relevant means. The expected results concern the achievement of communal development with a regional or directly regional effect to invade the entire country, identified by the quality of the communal life situation achieved.
Key-words:self-development, food self-sufficiency, security, cooperation, synergy, social inclusion