Ny hiragasy : trangam-piarahamonina feno mitondra amin’ny fampandrosoana


50 Culture holds a very important place in people’s life and in the community. Part of Malagasy culture are the popular songs,including the Hiragasy which are mostly seen on the Highlands of Madagascar. Our research entitled « Ny hiragasy : trangam-piarahamonina feno mitondra amin’ny fampandrosoana » mainly focuses on that. The fact is that the hiragasy is gradually losing its importance now. People think it is not up-to-date and is not worth giving much value any more. The objective of our research is to enhance this value of popular songs. They really develop people’s personnality, their characteristics, educate people to really feel that they are part of the community and the nation. Thus, they should be made known to all people and ought to be the object of further research so that they can also contribute to development. In our research, we have considered the hiragasy as a system with various elements which are linked to one another. We have therefore distinguished its three big characteristics : the hiragasy as literature through the analysis of its art features, then as a means of communication, conveying information and last as an inheritance. According to Marcel Mauss’definition, it is a « fait social total » in the community and can really develop the nation.

