Ny fitsipiky ny teny malagasy toavina sy ampiharina.


243 Malagasy spelling follows well-established normative rules, followed by the vast majority of users of the Malagasy language, both written and spoken. These rules are applied in the correction of Malagasy as a full-fledged language in official examinations held in Madagascar.
However, it should be emphasized that the Malagasy language is a living language, and as such undergoes changes in a variety of areas, and develops according to context. These changes can affect both the way a word is written and the spelling rules themselves.
Nevertheless, the evolving nature of the Malagasy language in no way detracts from the need to establish and enforce rules governing the way a word is written, even if only for a given period of time. These rules have been applied in various writings that have survived through the ages and which have a particular value: legal provisions from the time of royalty; texts that governed the elaboration of books such as the Holy Bible, the "Rakibolana", and the resolutions and regulations adopted and published by the Malagasy Academy.
We can thus say that designing a text in Malagasy does not present major challenges, given the existence of rules defined by competent bodies such as the Malagasy Academy and the research structures existing within Malagasy universities.
In any case, things are not clear when it comes to designating the supreme body with full authority to decide sovereignly on the standards to be applied to spelling in the Malagasy language. As proposed at the end of this report's analysis, the Malagasy Academy is the body best placed to assume this responsibility.

