Hafatra fitiavan-tanindrazan'i Régis RAJEMISA-RAOLISON ao amin'ny tononkalony « Ilay Nosin-drazantsika ».


203 Régis RAJEMISA RAOLISON was an important person in the nation wholeftsomething good to Malagasy people. He was a poet, author of different look, newsman and a member of Malagasy acadamy. It isnoticedthroughhiswritings the love hegot for hiscoutry. Or isexamined in detail in this communication hispoementitled : "the homeland of ourancestors". This poem shows the love towards the country in whichhe states that Madagasikara has got an attractive environmentbecause of the flora, the climate and the population that has the samelanguage and they all respect the relation ships in the community.Furthermore, thatpoem shows the messege to the statesmen and the people thateveryonewilltry to findsomething good for Madagascar. The objective of this communication is to show Régis RAJEMISA RAOLISON’ patriotism and his messages to the generation as well. This work shows the attractiveness of hiswritting and the consideration of Malagasy cultural value as others.

Key-words:Important Person, Poet, Patriotism, generation
