Diversity approach to human resources tools


185 Global companies are increasingly aff ected by the viral phenomenon of diversity, with growing initi ati ves to promote equality and prevent discriminati on. This study examines how diversity management impacts businesses, based on research, fi eld analysis and data. She focuses on her infl uence on HR tools and performance, focusing on telecommunicati ons companies in northern Madagascar. The idea is to value diff erences to improve the overall performance of Malagasy companies, by informing their adopti on of diversity -based human resource management policies, which have existed for a decade. Collaborati on between diversity management and team management is essenti al, since these two measures complement eac h other. The methodology adopted is based on a process-based quality approach, using emerging digital tools and technologies. Challenges such as the recruitment of talent and the development of human capital must be resolved taking into account cultural diff erences. Identi fying high potenti als aims to identi fy employees who will develop essential skills for the company in the future.

Key-words: diversity, culture, HR tools, skills, performance
