Vers le changement de mode de production et de consommation.

GIRON Kamonja

183 Extract, transform, consume, throw away and then start again, this circuit describes how the linear economy works in contemporary society. The climate change effect exposes negative externalities on shortages of certain resources, in particular water. Is it socially acceptable to continue the capitalists’ production pattern based on maximum profit research? The iterative method is recommended, followed by the hypothetic-deductive approach based on the plastic waste observation in the Diégo-Suarez city. This observation leads to the hypothesis that waste recycling creates income-generating activities. The linear economy: the usual model finds its apogee with the Taylorism advent (Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915). This production model in opposite circular economy has not thought regarding to become the object after its using out. The circular economy is based on the waste production miss, because it relies on the resources reusing and into each product materials incorporated. The result is a production model change owing to a recycling system introduction: an environment sanitation and job creation.

Key-words: linear economy, circular economy, production, consumption
