Savoir-faire ancien du fer et du cloritoschiste dans le Nord Est de Madagascar.


178 This paper summarizes the results of research on the ancient know-how of iron and soft stone chlorite schist vaton-dRasikajy productionin northeastern Madagascar. Previousarchaeologicalwork in northeastern Madagascar has brought to light the Rasikajy culture, a legendary group that lived in thisregion. The northeast coast, located at the crossroads of a trade network since the 9th century CE, had gradually become a pole of attraction promoting various forms of transactions and technology transfer, including iron metallurgy and the production of chlorite schist vessels. Chlorite schist quarries have been identified around Vohemar, many of which have already been known before. As for ironmetallurgy, itseemsthat the Rasikajydid not reallyseek to developthis know-how, but probablyimported the bulk of the ironobjectstheyneeded. Given the lack of written sources, archaeological science in Madagascar plays a vital role and can contribute to the rewriting, the reconstruction of the ancientpast, toooftenamputated of fundamentalelements.Archaeologyworkswith all other disciplines, includingEarth Sciences, which can provide reliable information to achievethis goal.

