David Jaomanoro.


177 David Jaomanoro said in his work this sentence loaded with meaning: “I prefer that they kill me for real, if that is the proof that they are waiting for to accept that I am alive” (David Jaomanoro OC p374) In social relations, are literature and authors still key players in change ? Was David Jaomanoro an element of change ? David Jaomanoro is not the panacea that will change in the blink of an eye the mentality of humankind, regarding its predilection for violence. However, he is not among the amorphous spectators of a society in behavioral drift, but rather a consciousness-raising actor, probably himself a victim of the acts he fights. “After having contributed for decades, even centuries, to the destruction of these worlds, of these peoples, the French language does not have the right to say today that it is far from them. » This being said, not content with having had the French language as a heritage, David Jaomanoro made the French language a powerful tool of communication, through literature because the French language which is the official language of Madagascar, country of origins of the author, is also the language of his adopted country, namely, Mayotte.

