Micro migration comme vecteur de mutations socio-économique dans le Nord-Est de Madagascar au 19ème siècle.


175 Following the arrival of the Réunionnais, the trading economy gained ground in the North-East of Madagascar from the second half of the 19th century. This new form of economic structure required labor. The need led to the migration of many Malagasy people, Betsimisaraka, Tsimihety and Antesaka, who were added to the local population. They managed to forge, as best they could, close ties between them. As they cohabited, the clan organization weakens. The socio-cultural symbiosis, especially between the Betsimisaraka and the Tsimihety, gives rise to the village organization. Micro-migration, the source par excellence of pre-colonial socio-cultural diversity in the North -East, will also have an economic repercussion to the extent that everyone wants to benefit from the generalization of cash crops and/or food and secondary crops.

Key-words: 19th century, North-East, micro-migration, change, society, economy
