Les surcoûts d’accessibilité aux marchés de paysans producteurs dans la sous-région de Soanindrariny-Vakinankaratra en 1998 (Madagascar)

ANDRIAMITANTSOA Tolojanahary;RAMAMONJISOA Josélyne;PESNEAUD François, retraité

135 The Soanindrariny subregion is a dense rural cell (90 inhabitants/km2). Agriculture and animal husbandry are dynamic, in high hills at high altitudes (1,700 - 2,000 m). Small peasant farms practice mixed farming based on irrigated rice and tubers. Diversification of farming strategies is successful with dairy farming and apple tree cultivation. The transport of these two products and any surplus rice to the large town of Antsirabe (200,000 inhabitants, 28 km from Soanindrariny), as well as the supply of village grocery stores with PPN (Products of First Necessity) induce traffic to the regional capital, via the only road linking the subregion and the town of Soanindrariny to Antsirabe (RIP 122). Communication routes are made up of different road sections (dirt roads, dirt tracks, car tracks, trails) resulting in the use of varied, inefficient and traditional modes of transport, where there are very frequent load breaks. This difficult accessibility results in additional costs that penalize the farmers who produce. A double survey was conducted in October (still dry season) and January (rainy season). The costs of transporting goods and passengers by motorized vehicles, carts and other means were collected, as well as the prices of some groceries imported from Antsirabe. Geographic distance controls the level of costs and prices, but road quality, modes of transport, and local competition also affect these indicators.

Key-words:Soanindrariny, enclosing,road, accessibility costs, transport
