Comment les violences et l’insécurité ont piétiné les valeurs fondamentales ainsi que la liberté de la société malgache ?
The National Police reported 5,318 cases of murder, assassination, kidnapping and theft in 2021,
compared with 2003 cases in 2022. Despite this regression, violence and insecurity are unfortunately part
of the daily life of the Malagasy people; the newspapers report various incidents from rural and urban areas,
reminding us that whatever our age, social class, income, profession or place of residence, we can all be
victims. Killing or being killed for no reason is becoming commonplace. This leads us to analyse the 1,115
offences published in the "Faits divers" section of the Midi Madagascar newspaper between November 2022
and June 2023 using the triangulation method to determine the triggering factors. In reality, these news items
simply reflect the excesses of our society and its poverty. Case studies show how these offences have
trampled on the fundamental values of society and reduced the freedom of the Malagasy people. The love
of country and the love of others struggle to exist and are crushed by the love of money. If our insecurity is
such today, what will it be for generations to come?
violence, insecurity, fundamental values, love of money, poverty, freedom