Comment améliorer la gouvernance du secteur de la sécurité pour réduire la violence à Madagascar ?
RAKOTOZAFY Dominique Jean Olivier
According to the Constitution, democracy and the rule of law are the founding principles of the Republic
of Madagascar. However, the Malagasy population at large has been undergoing all types of violence on a
daily basis. This situation is the result of not only the prevailing poverty, but also unfairness, breakdown of
the education system and malfunctioning of the State in general and the security sector in particular. In
addition, globalization affects adversely the lifestyle and behaviors of the citizens.
Some of the causes of violence are:
– non implementation of the laws and decrees in force;
– poor coordination at institution level leading to inconsistency during sectoral public policies
development, implementation , monitoring and evaluation;
– overlapping or omissions in the missions and duties of, as well as inappropriateness of the training,
skills, and resources allocated to the main actors of the security sector;
– weakness of the oversight system;
– weakness of the intelligence and surveillance system.
The best solution would then be enhancing the citizenship education, while reforming the
security sector in line with the needs of the population and the general policy of the State.
Rule of law, globalization, violence, security sector, coordination, oversight, citizenship education, reform