Les actions contributives à l’éradication des racines de la violence et de l’insécurité

RASOLONJATOVO Sandratriniaina Clara

287 Violence known as aggressive behavior towards another has become a global phenomenon that lies at the heart of concern on planet earth today. For Madagascar, this influx causes the disappearance of certain moral and social values. The destruction of these values leads to the spread of internal acts of violence in the country which in turn causes the multiplication of the phenomenon of insecurity. A question arises. What kind of disrespected rule governing societal life is responsible for this disharmonization causing disruption and social unrest? To address this issue, our analysis consists of verifying our main hypothesis: “Understanding the societal system allows an effective fight against violence”. On this, finding the sources and impacts of the phenomenon of violence as well as trying to propose possible types of resolutions constitute our objective. Our analysis result reveals the lack of control over the kinds of feelings which cause human relations problems, the intention of the individual concerned and the impacts of his actions being respectively evaluated subsequently.Achieving an improved public safety index is our expected outcome.

Key-words: transgression, social law, awareness, education
