Anjerimanontolo, ny tsy fahandriam-pahalemana : sakana ho an’ny kalitaon’ny fampianarana

MAMITIANA Claris Hubert, RANDRIANAIVO Aimé Nicolas Emilson

283 It is known that the university has got a problem of security and safety. This analyse aims to cite those problelms such as security and safety at the university in order to help the responsibles to make a good decision. We based on detecting all of the matters in many fields to identify which one should be solved immediately and those which need a everlasting solution. What we need as a result of this work is the state has to consider that it is a big problem and needed an efficient and rapid action. The discussion is based on the main question : Why the quality of teaching at university is getting down? Since, students, teachers and adminstrative employees, all have their problems related to their respective status. Those problems are not only from inside but there are also from outside and become social problems which are hard to solve.

Key-words: security, safety, students, teachers, adminstrative employees, quality of the teaching,teaching
